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Categories: Other Books
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Translation: Christian Matras
ISBN: 978-99918-71-46-2
Date of publication : 18. November 2011
Pages: 122
Cover: Heft bók

Dýrmæta lív

Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen

These past months I have been if not in the greatest danger, then in the most terrifying tumultuous seas. My ship, which sails an ocean of sickness, has rising water in every hold. It floats heavily and cuts through the ocean ever so harshly. Strangely, I think lying here just off of Cape of Good Hope that there is no symbolic imagery – for hope? Hope nevertheless! However stone-grey the ocean and however dark the sky, one must still remember that we are “born and raised amongst militants”, as quartermaster Krak says in the opera “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”. The thought sometimes creeps into my head in all my weariness, that my cup is now full. One can feel etched into life’s nerve and think: nunc libera me. That’s when one must go back to Kraks old aria on Tórshavn’s Skansin field: The military with its canons does not fear the bayonets! In the least, Skansin should now be credited. For Barbara is gaining recognition at a fairly good speed. Life’s turbulence brings one further ahead. 

This is what Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen writes to his friend William Heinesen in February 1938, one month before he died. His sixteen-year battle with tuberculosis had come to an end. Jørgen Frantz was 37-years old.
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About the author Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen

1900-1938 Jacobsen was born in Tórshavn and held a degree (cand. mag.) in history and French. He authored two excellent books on the Faroes’ political relationship with the Nordic Countries and Denmark. He was only 21 years old when he contracted Tuberculosis and was he a patient at sanatoriums for extended periods of his short life. In 1934 he commenced his major work, the novel Barbara, a work of historical fiction.  It was written in Danish and was publish a year after his death. It became an international bestseller and was translated into several languages.

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