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Type: Paperbook
Authors: William Heinesen
Categories: Other Books
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Making up: Sára Mikkelsen
ISBN: 978-99972-420-1
Date of publication : 25. May 2021
Pages: 268

Om børn, træer, hvaler og andre, der har god tid

William Heinesen
Poetic treasures by William Heinesen

This is a book about being present in the world - about time and place, spirit and eternity.

With these previously unpublished texts by William Heinesen, the reader can access his philosophy and worldview.

The texts contain observations on childhood, old age, and his life’s work. He makes extensive connections between consciousness and cosmos, poetry and religion, humanity and fellow beings, the human and the humane. Additionally, the texts contain thoughts not only on science, politics, and European ideas spanning from antiquity up until modern society but also on Heinesen’s fight against the polarisation that characterised his time.

The book has been peer-reviewed anonymously.

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