Origin country:
Faroe Islands
Janus Á Húsagarði
Making up:
Sonja Kjølbro
Date of publication :
26. August 2016
Heft bók
Harry og Elly
Harry and Elly love to travel. They travel to the shores of Adverbia, Vowel Bay and the kingdoms of Noun and Verb. On their journey home they sail by inlets and islets were many a treasure is hidden, but you got to spell right to find them.
Common to all the destinations is that they are exciting and instructive, both to Harry and Elly and everyone who joins them in their travels. Hopefully pupils will learn from them as well, now that they get the chance to travel with Harry and Elly through the colourfully illustrated destinations.
Harry and Elly are based on the rules for orthography set out in Mállæra by Paulivar Andreasen and Árni Dahl. The book is 104 pages and is divided into 4 parts. It is a workbook with many exciting tasks and problems for the pupil to solve.
DKK 188,00
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