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Type: Paperbook
Authors: Vagnur Streymoy
Categories: Poetry
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Making up: Regin Davidsen
ISBN: 978-99918-71-44-8
Date of publication : 6. September 2011
Pages: 36
Cover: Heft bók

5,8% av dupultmorali

Vagnur Streymoy

This collection of poems about hypocricy, the dark side of life, deceiving religion and existing in many worlds and climates can at times feel like a tongue-lashing. It may feel like it is going too far and is expressing things which simply should not be said but this is the material which all of us experience. Saturday Night, and ‘the one with a lack of vision who entered politics for the money’ seem to have stubled onto the script. While.. I’m... standing... in... line... poems also force their way into the head and refuse to go away. Although they may not deserve a place on paper I take my revenge by writing them down.  

I have written about different subjects; anything from love to the hypocritical drivel standing next to the jam on the table. The Collection should therefore not be seen as a failed attempt at creating a conceptual collection. I am a bit all over the place, so conceptualization was never the intention.  

Some of the poems can however be grouped under the same headline. The tone and formulation are temporal - at times even profane - but the insight and experiences from which these poems have their origin have irritated me to the extent that only a severe description would do. As said, issues and inspiration are picked out of experiences and thoughts. Contrasts such as war and peace have their part in the collection along with unrest, fear and love.  

Inspiration has also come from Faroese authors. Jóanes Nielsen has for instance inspired me, especially in the use of language. Otherwise I have read quite a few poetry collections, especially Faroese ones. The double life which many seem to be able to have has fascinated me. Hence the title Dupultmoralur - Double Standards. You can hardly have what is normal without also having what is insane. 

231,04 SEK
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