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Type: Paperbook
Categories: Education
Origin country: Faroe Islands
ISBN: 978-99918-71-38-7
Date of publication : 30. November 2011
Pages: 174
Cover: Heft bók


Elin Hentze, Marjun Niclasen

This book is a basic introduction to film studies. Its aim is to help students and other interested to analyse films and become aware of how movies influence us.  

The book takes its point of departure in Nils Malmros’ film Barbara. The film is used as an example about how one can analyse movies generally. Concepts and theories are explained through the film. The book provides a Faroese translations of film terminology.  

The book is divided into three parts: Terminology and Concepts, Film Studies, and Film Analysis. The book is written in such a way that each part can be studied separately. A detailed table of contents and a thorough index make the book ideal as a reference work, a place where one can quickly read up on concepts and issues in Film Studies.

The books is first and foremost a text book for courses in film and other media. But it is also suitable for other subjects. And people who have a general interest in film studies, analysis and production will also find it useful.

DKK 220,00
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About the author Elin Hentze

holds a degree (cand. mag.) in Film and Media Studies from the University of Copenhagen.

About the author Marjun Niclasen

holds a degree (cand. mag.) in film and media studies from the University of Copenhagen.

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Other titles Marjun Niclasen

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