Framtíðin kallar
The book contains 50 background articles, historical articals periodic articles, interviews and personal profiles, written between 2009 and 2011. They deal with the financial crisis, democracy, tolerance, religion, existence, music, the industry, the media, language and people.
The articles are informative and entertaining, written in an accessible language. They place all the greatest questions of life into perpective. The themes vary from banking collapse to the question of what happines is.
The title of the book is a reference to that the fact that the future is always calling for changes. When Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, Bob Dylan and Jóannes Patursson fought their way forward the goal was a better future. We have the same goals in today’s political discussions.
As some of our foremost people in the fields of culture and industry talk about life we can take a time to reflect on our own hopes and dreams. We ask if we are happy and contemplate on how to create our own future.