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Type: Paperbook
Categories: Other Books
Origin country: Faroe Islands
ISBN: 978-99918-73-79-4
Date of publication : 3. December 2012
Pages: 200
Cover: Heft bók

Exit Føroyar

Heri á Rógvi, Høgni Reistrup

The suitcase has been packed and the journey has begun. It is time to say goodbye and we will see you later. We all recognise this situation. We all have friends and relatives who don’t live in the Faroes but only visit from time to time. These are people who are not a part of our daily life. They are however a part of the reason for the serious predicament the Faroe Islands are in. They live abroad and are thus among the many who have decided to set the Faroe Islands aside.  

The exodus has reached an extent where the population rate is decreasing. At the same time not enough people are moving to the Faroes. This has been the case for several years. Why do people move away from the islands? Why do so few return? Is life so much better elsewhere? How can this trend be turned around?  

Exit Faroe Islands is a book about the decreasing population in the Faroes. The book contains conversations with four Faroese people who tell the story of why they moved away from the islands. In addition there are articles from 13 individuals - seven women and six men. Based on personal experience they share their thoughts on emigration and what is needed to turn things around.  

It can be difficult to understand just why the population rate is decreasing. With examples from daily life Exit Faroe Islands gives an insight into what holds people back from moving back home. In the book there are also some tangible solutions for how to increase the population. 

307,02 SEK
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About the author Høgni Reistrup

holds a degree (cand. mag.) in media studies from the University of Copenhagen and Dublin City University.  He has held different jobs, including a job as a media researcher at the DR (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation)

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