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Type: Paperbook
Authors: Tummas Lenvig
Categories: Other Books
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Making up: Cre8
ISBN: 978-99918-71-09-7
Date of publication : 20. November 2010
Pages: 200
Cover: Heft bók

Tá ið føroyskt málstrev byrjaði

Tummas Lenvig

The contents in this book originate from the time period 1888 to the turn of the twentieth century.

A collection of newspaper articles where the subject matter pertains to people’s rights to their mother tongue, now that municipal elementary schools were established across the country and children were obligated to attend school. The newly established “Føringafelag” (The Faroese Association) led to the birth of a movement to promote the Faroese language. 
The newspapers that the articles are taken from are “Dimmalætting”, “Færøsk kirketidende” and “Føringatíðindi”. 
The book starts off by mentioning the original standpoint that the Faroese association took from the very beginning, the objective and goal that it set out to reach: First and foremost, to make Faroese people’s mother tongue the national language of the Faroe Islands and to have it spoken in church, school and in the judicial system. But in addition to this, the book’s contents also represent the rise of a counter-movement against this campaign, which the reader gets clear insight into.
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