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Type: Paperbook
Authors: William Heinesen
Categories: Other Books
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Translation: Jonhard Mikkelsen
Making up: Sonja Kjølbro
ISBN: 978-99972-1-051-7
Date of publication : 24. October 2014
Pages: 136
Cover: Heft bók

Laterna magica

William Heinesen

They meander toward Gráskallur quay, where everything finds its end and the old ferryman waits patiently. The path is long through the millennial town and its alleys and narrow passageways.

On our way, we make a detour to the home of the poets Hans Andrias and Janus í Áarstovu, who are entertaining guests, the three Norns.

Another detour to visit Jens Christian Svabo, who passes time with his fiddle, while having both a tipple and a good time with the dean’s daughter.

We follow Jóhan the Strong, salt of the earth, when he stumbles and helplessly succumbs to nature’s whims just once but with such grievous consequences.

And in the middle of it all, you sit, shaking with laughter, because this clever old storyteller, William Heinesen, knows so well the deep dark crouching in human depths, its folly, weaknesses, pride, honour and pig-headedness. He undresses us all.
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