At liva í løtum
This book was written in honour of the village of Rituvík, which celebrated its 150th anniversary on Christmas Eve 2023. The book serves as a family saga for Rituvík, detailing the houses that were and are in the village, the people who lived in them, and not least what happened to those who left the village - from the first eight settlers to the present day.
Also included are brief descriptions and anecdotes relevant to Rituvík and its villagers.
This book is a part of the life's work of Thorleif Hansen from Saltangará. Throughout most of his life, he has gathered information about the origins of his own family as well as others. His genealogical research has primarily focused on the southern half of Eysturoy. Thorleif has familial ties to the house Uppi á Tipp in Rituvík, believed to be the sixth house of the original eight built by the village's settlers.
It is estimated that there are up to 10.000 descendants from these first eight houses in Rituvík. The lines of descent traceable to Rituvík can be found throughout the Faroe Islands and even in remote countries such as Australia, Chile, Canada, and the United States. With so many descendants, it is not unlikely that we all carry a piece of Rituvík within us, and at the very least, we can relate to someone in the book.
The book is intended not only for contemporary readers but also for future generations. A genealogical table such as this one is never complete, nor perfect. We have tried to make the book as good and as engaging as possible.
Life presents itself in moments — good and painful, bright and dark. This book serves as a moment in the history of Rituvík, highlighting the lives of its ancestors and descendants. Each moment adds to its history and family.