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Type: Paperbook
Categories: Novels
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Making up: Sonja Kjølbro
ISBN: 978-99918-71-88-2
Date of publication : 12. November 2012
Pages: 672
Cover: Heilbind

Á ferð inn í eina óendaliga søgu

Jens Pauli Heinesen

The novel A Journey Into an Unending Story begins when a woman of the Hidden People lures 3 year old Hugin out into the field for a few days. This strange incident stays with him for the rest of his life. Hugin struggles to become a recognized author in a narrow-minded community marked by opression and traditionalist Christian notions that you should not drink, smoke, curse, dance or fraternize with girls. The pen becomes Hugin’s weapon against the authorities and the path back into his childhood world.

“There was no notion of me quitting anything. I left for a while and then I would come back. In addition I started writing about everything. About the rock and the tussock, the beach and the river, the whelk boxes and the cries of the gull. Even the dock flowers took their place in my thick books alongside many, many other things - such as the frecked leaves of the orchid which smells like a lady heading for the dance. And I was determined to write so passionately about all these things that others would end up cherishing them just as much as I did.” (Excerpt from vol. IV, 178)

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About the author Jens Pauli Heinesen


Heinesen was born in 1932 and grew up in Sandavágur. He held a degree in teaching and worked as a teacher until 1970, when he became a full-time author. During a furlough in 1968-69 he went to live in Spain with his family. There he began writing the novel Frænir eitur ormurin (Frænir is the Serpent’s Name).

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