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Type: Paperbook
Categories: Education
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Making up: Sonja Kjølbro
ISBN: 978-99918-71-72-1
Date of publication : 30. August 2011
Pages: 182
Cover: Heft bók

Málmaðurin í útvarpinum 2

Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen

Jógvan í Lon continues to answer questions that linguistically curious listeners ask on the radio program. The book has the same outline as The Language Keeper 1 (Málmaðurin 1). 

The book has interesting questions, significant answers and is a good foundation for linguistic debate. And what can be better to stir things up than words and expressions?
DKK 178,00
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About the author Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen

was born in 1957. He holds degrees in linguistics from the University of the Faroe Islands and the University of Copenhagen. He is a lecturer in Nordic linguistics at the University of the Faroe Islands.

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