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Type: Paperbook
Categories: Short Stories
Origin country: Faroe Islands
Making up: Sára Mikkelsen
ISBN: 978-99972-1-198-6
Date of publication : 23. May 2018
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 116

Kamprænarin - og 15 aðrar søgur

In the spring of 2017, Glasir hosted a short story competition among students. 63 stories were submitted, from which three were selected to receive an award. This collection is a selection of the stories submitted.

Excerpts from the short stories:

– At the end of the outfield, there is a mountain top. Beautifully golden, and when you reach it, your veins balloon out from delight. With teeny tiny steps, I close in on it. But I cannot only think of the mountain top – I also need to watch out for my tentacles, so that no one touches them uninvited. I withdraw them into my snail’s head, every time I hear strange footsteps.

– “Please don’t! I look like shit! No make-up and a hangover are not exactly instaworthy!”

– I felt like an animal that had to give in to the forces of nature, yet at the same time, I felt more like a man than ever before.

– Faith gives people false meaning. “Long live the Christian citizen, the irrational friend!”

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