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Type: Paperbook
Origin country: Denmark
Translation: Edvard S. Olsen
Making up: Sonja Kjølbro
ISBN: 978-99972-1-338-9
Date of publication : 14. September 2019
Pages: 488
Cover: Hardcover
Original title: Den lange rejse, 1956

Drúgva ferðin 1

Johannes V. Jensen

In 1944, Johs. V. Jensen received the Nobel Prize in Literature for Drúgva Ferðin (The Long Journey)

When World War II broke out, and the author witnessed all the destruction; the devastation of Western civilisation, he decided to write his own version of genesis, and of how civilisation has evolved.

Each part of the story describes the ambitious individual and his strengths. He is drawn by a wanderlust and a longing for something more, something different, and so he ignites the process of evolution. This individual is always male. The storyline revolves around the individual, who moves from one place containing certain qualities to the next, which is subject to different conditions, and there he establishes a new civilisation, further advanced than the one he left behind.

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Drúgva ferðin 2