Millum vinir
Millum vinir (Among Friends) is a book about life in a kibbutz in Israel. In eight short stories, Amoz Oz depicts heart-rendering fates, which are so beautifully described that they are unmatched.
The light is shed on the individual and unity. The kibbutz contains different fates; children, the young, the old, singles, and couples. The founding generation fades away, the strict rules become the subject of debate.
When we read about five-year-old Juval, it is not difficult to see why. He is being bullied for wetting his bed at night. He only wants to sleep at home with his parents instead of in the children’s house.
Who is responsible for each child? Who determines who can get an education? And what about free love?
Amoz Oz decided to join a kibbutz at the age of 15 to live the life that he dreamed of. He lived in the kibbutz for 32 years.